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Free Religious Music - Luis Antonio Ruiz
Ancla 5

Hello! My name is
Luis Antonio Ruiz.
Thank you for being here.
I'll tell you a little bit about my life.

Since I was 11 years old when I entered the Seminary of Toledo and began to sing in the choir, I realized that I felt a fascination for music, harmony and beauty, and especially when it is dedicated to the service of worship to ennoble the sacred liturgy. Those solemn celebrations in the Primate Cathedral of Toledo undoubtedly mark you as a child, they leave an indelible stamp and a way of doing things. I began to understand that Beauty, in all its forms, is always a reflection of God, and to approach it is to approach Him.

And maybe that's why I ended up at the School of Architecture in Madrid, where I tried to find the balance between technique and aesthetics, between the figure of the engineer and that of the humanist. I never felt comfortable with the simplistic dichotomy of "sciences or letters".... Rather, I believe that the human being must have an aspiration for universal, global knowledge. Architecture, then, is the work to which I have dedicated myself for more than 20 years, which has taken me to different countries and which I combine with my musical passion.


In all these years I have belonged to different choral groups, first directing the choir of my town, La Mata, in Toledo, and later in Madrid in groups such as Eutrapelia or Coro Xenakis. I have wonderful memories of all of them. But it was shortly after entering the university that I met the choir to which I would be linked in a very special way. A group of people passionate about music and singing who wanted to put their time and energy at the service of the liturgy in their parish. Not just music for music's sake, but with a transcendent intention. I found St. Mark's Choir.

Originally directed by Felix Castedo, and for more than 25 years now by Ana Maria Guirao, this is a parish choir that takes exquisite care in every detail to put music at the service of worship, and not the other way around. It is a demanding but humble service, which does not seek to show off, but the approach of the divine through the sensory, the aesthetic, the beautiful.


In this context, my vocation as a composer arose, and I began to harmonize classical pieces for the choir. I studied Harmony at the Escuela de Música Creativa. Little by little I dared to compose my own works, some of them in co-authorship with my great friend Carlos Montes, and this page gathers most of those small contributions that I have been humbly developing throughout these years. In most of them you can listen to the music while you see the score. The ones I can, I do them with Logic Pro X.

In 2015, on the occasion of the V Centenary of the birth of St. Teresa of Jesus, I won the International Contest of Teresian Praying Antiphons organized by the Patronage of that organization, whose pieces you can consult in the competitions section.


Regarding my influences, I must name first of all the great Lucien Deiss.I believe that no one has succeeded in endowing contemporary liturgical music with such a level of mystical depth and solemnity, with simple and accessible resources for the general public. Of course, my admired Miguel Manzano, whom I had the honor of knowing personally and whose classics are an absolute reference in Spanish. We all know many of his works, which have the ability to automatically connect with people and are already part of the culture of our country and Latin America. And finally, I must mention someone who is already a mass phenomenon: Monsignor Marco Frisina. His mastery in orchestrating and achieving beautiful melodies, as well as his great work in soundtracks have allowed him to connect with the youngest people. His Magnificat still touches me in the most intimate way.

We are still as enthusiastic about this work today. You can find us every Sunday at 12:30 in the Parish of San Marcos, in Madrid.




©2020 by Luis Antonio Ruiz.

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